Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- Chemical Name
- Tilley Product Number
- Agrochemical Functions
- CASE Ingredients Functions
- Cleaning Ingredients Functions
- Industrial Additives Functions
- Technologies
- Product Families
- Chemical Structure
Features & Benefits
- Labeling Claims
- Agrochemicals Features
- HII Features
- Industrial Additives Features
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Home Care Applications
- I&I Cleaning Applications
- Industrial Additives End Use
- Physical Form
Regulatory & Compliance
- Certifications & Compliance
Safety & Health
- Health and Environmental Effects Information
Environmental Effects: The BIO-SOFT N1 Series products are readily biodegradable. A detailed biodegradability statement is available upon request.
Health Effects: The BIO-SOFT N1 Series products are slightly toxic orally (LD50 ≥ 2700mg/kg). Undiluted the BIO-SOFT N1 Series products are severe skin and eye irritants while a 1% dilution generally causes slight to mild skin irritation. A detailed mammalian toxicity statement is available upon request.
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Information
The BIO-SOFT N1-9 products are available in 55-gallon drums and in bulk quantities.
Storage & Handling
- Storage Condition
- Normal safety precautions (i.e., gloves, safety goggles) should be employed when handling BIO-SOFT N1-9.
- Avoid contact with eyes, nose or prolonged skin contact. Wash exposed areas thoroughly after handling material.
- While diluting the BIO-SOFT N1-9 products, as with all alcohol ethoxylates, they are prone to gelling.
- If the product is diluted into water, heating may be required to minimize or eliminate gel formation.
- It is recommended that the BIO-SOFT N1-9 products be stored in sealed containers and kept in a cool, dry place.
- If the products are frozen, they should be heated gently and stirred to ensure they are homogeneous before use.