MOBIL DELVAC 1300 SUPER 15W40 is an advanced, synthetic blend, of diesel engine oils that help extend engine life, allowing you to run your business with confidence. These products meet or exceed original equipment manufacturer (OEM) requirements and deliver high performance in both on and off-highway applications.

Product Type: Synthetic Engine Oil

Application Area: Diesel Engine, Gasoline Engine, Haul Trucks, Marine Applications, Mining Operations, Off-Highway Applications, On Highway Applications, Truck

Features: Corrosion Resistant, Deposit Prevention, Excellent Soot Control, Heavy Duty, High Temperature Performance, Long Gasket Life, Long Seal Life, Low Ash Content, Low Oil Consumption, Low Temperature Fluidity, Low Temperature Pumpability, Oxidation Resistant, Wear Resistant

SAE Viscosity Grade: SAE 15W-40

    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Features & Benefits

    Ready-to-Use Product Features
    Product Highlights
    • Fully backward compatible, MOBIL DELVAC 1300 SUPER 15W-40 delivers exceptional performance in both newer and older heavy duty engine designs.
    • Accordingly, this oil meet or exceed the requirements of API CK-4, CJ-4, CI-4 PLUS, CI-4 and CH-4 service categories, as well as key OEM requirements.
    • MOBIL DELVAC 1300 SUPER 15W-40 is universal, meaning they may also be used in gasoline engines requiring the API SN specification.
    • MOBIL DELVAC 1300 SUPER 15W-40 is a tailored formulation that delivers excellent wear and engine protection, extended drain capability, outstanding high temperature performance and engine cleanliness.
    • Developed in close collaboration with major OEMs, MOBIL DELVAC 1300 SUPER 15W-40 is recommended for use in a wide range of heavy duty applications and operating environments in the trucking, mining, construction, agricultural and marine industries.
    • MOBIL DELVAC 1300 SUPER 15W-40 is formulated with optimized base oil technology, containing severely hydro-processed base stocks and a tailored additive system to deliver extended performance for up to 50% beyond OEM-recommended oil drain intervals 1.
    • This proprietary formulation delivers excellent wear protection, outstanding oxidation stability, and outstanding TBN retention.
    • MOBIL DELVAC 1300 SUPER 15W-40 also provides outstanding resistance to oil consumption, oxidation, corrosive and abrasive wear, and high temperature deposits.
    • MOBIL DELVAC 1300 SUPER 15W-40 has the potential to improve fuel economy 2.
    • Meets demanding specifications of key OEMs and latest API gasoline service category
    • Outstanding oxidation stability
    • Excellent soot and viscosity control
    • Excellent oil consumption control
    • Outstanding TBN reserves
    • Low temperature fluidity and pumpability
    • Resistance to corrosive and abrasive wear
    • Component compatibility
    Product Highlights
    • One engine oil for mixed fleet operations
    • Extended ODI capability. Reduced low temperature sludge build-up and high temperature deposits
    • Greater engine efficiency, long engine life and long oil life
    • Lower oil costs due to less make-up oil during operation
    • Corrosion protection and extended drain intervals for both new and old engines
    • Formulated for smooth starting in cold weather
    • Long life of critical wear surfaces
    • Long gasket and seal life
    • Long emissions aftertreatment life (DPF, DOC and SCR)

    Applications & Uses

    Application Area
    Product Application
    • Recommended for the latest heavy duty diesel engines, including those equipped with aftertreatment systems and EGR.
    • Recommended for diesel applications using older and naturally aspirated conventional designs.
    • On-highway heavy-duty trucking and off-highway applications including trucking, mining, construction, agriculture and marine.
    • On-highway applications operating in both high speed/high load and short haul pick-up/delivery service.
    • Off-highway applications operating in severe low speed/heavy load conditions using up to 500 ppm sulfur fuels.
    • High performance gasoline engines requiring API SN and mixed fleet operations.
    • Diesel-powered equipment from American, European and Japanese OEMs.


    SAE Viscosity Grade