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Jim Koestler


Please reach out to me with any questions, I am happy to assist you in finding the right product or learning more about our storefront


Michele Zahn

Customer Service

Please reach out to me with any questions, I am happy to assist you in finding the right product or learning more about our storefront


Brett Thomas

Customer Service

Please reach out to me with any questions, I am happy to assist you in finding the right product or learning more about our storefront


Renee Sizemore

Customer Service

Please reach out to me with any questions, I am happy to assist you in finding the right product or learning more about our storefront


Jeison Sacon


Please reach out to me with any questions, I am happy to assist in you finding the right lubricant product or learning more about our product catalog.

Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality


Physical Form
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Assay Content77.0 - 99.0wt %-
Calcium Chelation Value (as CaCO₃ per gram of VERSENE™ NA Chelating Agent)267mg/g-
Equivalent Chelation Capacity (for One gram of VERSENE Na Crystals)2.69moles of EDTA-
Calcium Chelation Capacity9.9Parts chelant per part metal (w/w)-
Magnesium Chelation Capacity16.3Parts chelant per part metal (w/w)-
Iron Chelation Capacity7.1Parts chelant per part metal (w/w)-
Copper Chelation Capacity6.2Parts chelant per part metal (w/w)-
Manganese Chelation Capacity7.2Parts chelant per part metal (w/w)-
Water Solubility5 - 7wt %-
Nutritional Information
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Calories0g/100gLiterature Reference
Protein0g/100gLiterature Reference
Fat0g/100gLiterature Reference
Carbohydrates0g/100gLiterature Reference
Moisture9.7 - 13.8g/100gLiterature Reference
Starch0g/100gLiterature Reference
Mannitol0g/100gLiterature Reference
Sorbitol0g/100gLiterature Reference
Sugars (Total)0g/100gLiterature Reference
Total Diet Fibers0g/100gLiterature Reference
Calciummax. 1mg/100gAnalysis
Ironmax. 0.4mg/100gAnalysis
Magnesiummax. 0.1mg/100gAnalysis
Manganese0mg/100gLiterature Reference
Copper0mg/100gLiterature Reference
Phosphorous0mg/100gLiterature Reference
Potassium0mg/100gLiterature Reference
Sodium12366mg/100gLiterature Reference
Zincmax. 0.2mg/100gAnalysis
lodine0μg/100gLiterature Reference
Vitamin A0μg/100gLiterature Reference
Vitamin D0μg/100gLiterature Reference
Vitamin E (Total)0μg/100gLiterature Reference
Vitamin C0mg/100gLiterature Reference
Thiamin0mg/100gLiterature Reference
Riboflavin0mg/100gLiterature Reference
Niacin Equivalents0mg/100gLiterature Reference
Pantothenic Acid0mg/100gLiterature Reference
Vitamin B₆0mg/100gLiterature Reference
Caffiene0mg/100gLiterature Reference
Folacin0mg/100gLiterature Reference
Vitamin B₁₂0μg/100gLiterature Reference
Cholesterol0mg/100gLiterature Reference
Total Saturated Fat0g/100gLiterature Reference
Total Monounsaturated Fat0g/100gLiterature Reference
Total Polyunsaturated Fat0g/100gLiterature Reference